African Centre for Leadership, Strategy & Development

Leadership Capacity Building for Youth in the Niger Delta

The leadership capacity building for youth of the Niger Delta project, was a response to youth assessment studies carried out by the Foundation for the Partnership Initiative in the Niger Delta.

The assessment focused on aspirations and issues of concern to youth and opportunities and challenges facing youth. The assessment report recommended support for equipping youth with leadership and life skills as the concerns were around; Lack of strong youth leaders, The ability to have realistic expectations for the future and hope in the future and Lack of soft skills that are necessary for employment. Centre LSD) accordingly built the capacity of 80 Niger Delta youth on leadership, entrepreneurship, project management, peace building and Information Technology (ICT).

The Centre’s target at the beginning of the programme was to produce at least 50% role models on leadership (40 participants) and 40% for business (32 participants). The rationale for the target was premised on the understanding of the Pareto principle that at least 20 percent of any group of persons trained will put the knowledge to maximum use. But the methodology deployed gave us reason to believe that hitting 50 percent target for role models on leadership and 40 percent on business is possible. The target for business was placed at 40% because of the underlying belief that people in the region target job and rent from oil rather than doing business. The optimism of the Centre was confirmed by the result of an assessment it carried out early December 2014. The result showed thus

Role models (Leadership): project target 50 Percent
1st set: 15 participants ie 15/36 x 100 = 41.6%
2nd set: 42 participants ie 42/44 x 100 = 95.5%
Business: 40 percent
1st set: 13 participants ie 13/36 x 100 = 36.1%
2nd set: 19 participants ie 19/44 x 100 = (43.2%)

The trainings ensured development of skill sets for the 80 Niger Delta change agents, increase knowledge, attitudes and positive behaviours to live productive and exemplary lives, equipped them with capability for immediate and future leadership responsibilities and capacity to engage in decision making.

Participants also set up an organization, “Change Niger-Delta Youth Organisation” with a vision of “a Niger Delta that is informed, empowered and development focussed’, and a mission ‘ to promote and sustain development and peace through information and citizens’ participation. Some of the participants stepped down the training in their different locations. Some set up leadership clubs in School, the case of participants from Imo State.

Intervention Projects

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