African Centre for Leadership, Strategy & Development

Development Projects


The entrenched gender bias not only prevents women from engaging in and accessing economic benefits, but also manifests in how companies and governments engage with communities at all stages of extractive activities.

Do Mining Right

The Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) has identified seven strategic minerals – Coal, Bitumen, Limestone, Iron Ore, Barites, Gold, and Lead/Zinc – as development priorities. Mineral mining in Nigeria, which is increasingly gaining government policy attention, dates back to 1902 when the first official mining activity in Nigeria commenced with the exploration of Tin ore.

Open Government Partnership (OGP)

In 2011, government leaders and civil society advocates came together to create a unique partnership—one that combines these powerful forces to promote transparent, participatory, inclusive and accountable governance.

Trust Africa

The COVID- 19 pandemic raise a lot of challenges that affected different aspects of citizens lives across the globe including the African continent

Youth Can Lead

The idea of youth participation in politics has become a popular part of contemporary political talk in every part of the world except Nigeria and particularly in the Niger Delta where one can note that youth participation in governance often end at the polls and during electioneering campaigns where youths are only used at their own detriments.

Girls2School Adamawa

In a nation where the specter of illiteracy looms large where the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has decried the increasing number of out-of-school children in Nigeria, stating that there are now 18.3 million


The Side-by-Side Movement for Gender Justice, Nigeria, is a faith-based initiative dedicated to advancing gender justice through advocacy, education, and action. Side by Side’s vision is to see all people free from cultural and interpersonal systems of privilege and oppression, and from violence and repression rooted in gender inequality. The mission of Side by Side Movement for Gender Justice, Nigeria is to work with faith and traditional leaders to advance gender justice through advocacy, education and action to challenge and transform norms that perpetuate gender inequality.

Women Can Lead

Success Stories

Read success stories from some of our project beneficiaries here