African Centre for Leadership, Strategy & Development

2021 Annual Report

The African Centre for Leadership, Strategy & Development (Centre LSD) is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization established in 2010 to build strategic leadership for sustainable development in Africa (See

The Centre was formally registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission on January 17, 2010 with registration number CAC/IT/No. 36563. Its mission is to work with forces of positive change to empower citizens to transform society. The Centre is guided by the value of transparency and accountability, integrity, transformative change, feminism, diversity, dignity of the human person and pan-Africanism.

It carries out its activities through research, capacity building, think tank, advocacy and campaigns. Its areas of focus include; leadership, strategy and development. Centre LSD has implemented several projects namely; transparency and accountability in the extractives, leadership and entrepreneurship capacity building for youth, Voice and accountability project, environmental advocacy project, budget advocacy project cum nutrition and livelihood projects respectively.

Vision: An African society with strategic leadership and sustainable development.
Mission: Its mission is to work with forces of positive change to empower citizens to transform society.
Objectives of (African Centre for Leadership, Strategy & Development (Centre LSD)
a) Promote ideas, policies and actions that lead to transformative change in Africa.
b) Promote leader development (expanding capacity of individuals for effective leadership roles and processes) and leadership development (expansion of organization’s capacity to enact basic leadership tasks including setting direction, creating alignment and maintaining commitment.
c) Develop capacity for strategic thinking, formulation, implantation, implementation and evaluation.
d) To collaborate with individuals, organizations, networks, coalitions and movements that will help in achieving the Centre’s objectives.
e) To deploy Technology and Civic innovation in addressing social problems.
The idea and impetus to set up the African Centre for Leadership, Strategy & Development (Centre LSD) was borne out of commitment of over three decades working for the transformation of Africa. The founding members of the board of trustees and international advisory council have been involved in one form of work or the other to transform Africa. Our cumulative experience makes it clear to us that there are three fundamental challenges to Africa’s development namely: Absence of a dynamic, strategic and visionary leadership; Absence of or inappropriate strategies and Inappropriate development approaches.

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